Moze and Drink
A perfect ice-breaker game, and a fun way to introduce yourselves and get to know everybody, if you don't already!
The idea of this game is to get to know everyone quickly and easily, and is a great way to keep up on the drinking! When somebody calls "Moze and Drink if you went to school with the bride", or "Moze and drink if you met the bride at work", those who belong to that group will moze their glasses and take a sip of their drinks.
- Moze and drink if you met the bride through the groom
- Moze and drink if you've seen the bride naked
- Moze if you’ve gotten drunk with the bride
- Moze and drink if you've known a bride secret
If somebody is the only person in the group, they have nobody to “moze” with, and therefore must accept a penalty, such as a dare, or an extra shot!
You can even set the bride up, with "Moze and Drink if you're getting married next month", knowing that she will be the only one!
Organise A Fitting Game
You will need:
A pack of condoms
Vegetables ….to fit the condom
Notepad & pen
Aim of the game:
Whilst sitting around in a circle (preferably in a private location for this one!) each guest takes her turn to fit the condom onto a selected vegetable. The Hen, having been provided with a notepad, awards points for style, finesse, originality and level of laughter. After every turn guest have a sip of their drink. At the end, the hen tally up the scores to get a winner A prize for the WINNER !! . The award ceremony should certainly have the Hen taking her turn at a ‘fitting’. Guaranteed to produce lots of laughs and a fabulous ice breaker.
Guess What
You will need:
Pen & Paper
Get every hen to anonymously write an embarrassing or unusual story relating to men or dating. Ask the bride-to-be to read them aloud and guess who wrote what. This is a great way to break the ice if you’re in a large hen party with revealing and hilarious consequences.
Wine Tasting Anyone
This is just as it say’s, a sophisticated hen party game where everyone votes for their favourite wine whilst blindfolded.You need:
Bottles of wine (ask each guest to bring a bottle)
Brown Bags or floral sacks to keep the labels covered.
How it works:
Party guests will taste each bottle of wine whilst blindfolded. When everyone has had a go, vote for your favourite wine. The bottle with the most votes, wins! Yippee!!
The person who brought the wine will then reveal how much the wine cost, and get a prize.
A Walk Down Memory Lane
This game is for a perfect icebreaker for a hen party group who know the bride, but not necessarily others guest. This game is defiantly one to get the bride’s tears flowing. This game can be played in various ways.
How it works:
1. Before the hen party, ask all the guests to think of a memory or when they first met the bride and write it on a piece of paper.
2. At the hen party, put all the memories into a hat and get the bride to pull them out one by one.
3. The bride should read the memory out and guess which of her friends memory it is, and maybe fill in the blanks.
This is an opportunity lets the other girls know how the other guests first met the bride to be. The guests can be as funny, sentimental or embarrassing as they like!...
The Chocolate Game
The aim of the game, ladies is to eat lots of chocolate.
You will need:
To prepare a large slab of chocolate such as dairy milk
A knife & fork
Washing-up gloves
Underpants (or other items).
Aim of the game
The party sits in a circle on the floor, and each girl takes a turn to roll the dice. When a 6 is thrown, the person must put on the gloves, the pants on their head then use the knife and fork to cut off a square of chocolate, this will be very difficult to cut.
The guest must keep throwing the dice and when somebody else throws a six you have to stop eating the chocolate and give them a turn. The items must be worn and only a few cubes can be eaten at a time not a whole chunk.
Surprise surprise!!! you will find that you don't have enough time to eat hardly any of the chocolate. Be prepared for a fight ladies, with those who really love their chocolate!
Keep playing until all the chocolate has finished.
True Or False
What you need:
Pen & Paper
How well do you know the bride to be? What unusual or naughty things would people just love to know about her? This game really focuses on the bride-to-be……and so it should.
Before the hen night prepare about 25 facts about the hen- some true and some false. Make sure the false facts are close to reality so they don't obviously stick out, and true facts not and secrets, which will dampen the atmosphere.

Kiss A Hunk
You will need:
A big celebrity poster
Brightly coloured lipstick
A classic twist on the classic game 'Pin the tail on the donkey!'
Aim of the game
Print of a big poster of a hunk or buy a poster of the bride-to-be's favourite celebrity. The bigger the better.
Have your poster up at the venue so all your guests can feast their eyes on it. Once you're ready to play the game pass around a few brightly coloured lipsticks and get the girls to apply lots of it. Blind fold your guest, one at a time, turning them at least 3 times, turn and ask them to try and kiss the hunk on the lips. No cheating… make sure the blindfold is tight. To add some trills to the game, section off the picture into different areas, certain areas can lead to treats, or dares, or points.
Draw a faint line lightly to make them clear to you on the poster. Each time someone kisses the poster, write their name next to the kiss to see who wins at the end. A winning gift would be great for instance, the hunk’s poster.
Memory Hen Party Game
This is a great game to play at a venue or in your home. If you enjoy memory games this is the one for you!
Everyone sit’s in a circle and take turns saying "I went to (bride-to-be's name) wedding and there was....."
The funnier and naughtier the better, the next person has to say the same thing and then add one of her own. This keeps on going until someone forgets (remember your starting from the beginning) what was at the wedding and they can't keep it going any longer.
It’s a good idea to have a few dares/ forfeits waiting, maybe a triple shot.
Photo Groom
Before the hen party, ask all the guests to bring a photo of the groom-to-be. Not just any photo but the funniest or ugliest photo of the groom-to-be that they have, (remember Photoshop)….. or other photo editing Apps. The guest must arrange all the photos for the Hen to see. Challenge the Hen to guess who brought which photo or to guess where each photo was taken and the story behind it. Also challenge the Hen to guess which was photoshopped.
Organise A Pin the Tail on the Male
Sounds familiar…. it is actually pin the tail on the male. Okay, when we say ‘Tail’ we don’t mean a tail as such… but a little more x-rated, (say no more), Catching my drift? Print a large poster of a man and a selection of ‘tails’ for each guest to take their turn at being blindfolded and pinning their ‘tail’ on the poster of the male.

Organise A Pegging Contest
Give each of the guests a set of three pegs and challenge them to peg three items through the night. The list can be a tie, a sock, a bra….chocolate. The type of items, can be your choice (be inventive) but a popular choice is men you think are good looking!
Mr and Mrs
Just how well does the bride know her groom? Write a list of questions about the bride and get her future husband to answer them, without letting the bride to be know. At the party, everyone can ask the bride-to-be questions, just how compatible are they????
Hen ideas: