
Card Games

19 November, 2016

On The Down Low

What you will need:

-4 to 6 players
-Large floor space
-Large empty cereal box
-A black marker
-A Prize for the winner

1) Get a large cornflake box, and mark with the marker, dividing in approximately 10 spaces vertically.

2)DJ starts playing the music, louder the better, everyone playing must walk around the box. 

3)When the music stops, the cereal box is placed in the middle of the floor.
Each player takes turn picking up the box with their mouth ONLY.

4)When all players have picked up the box with their teeth the music starts again. 

5)The DJ must now rip the box to the next level down.

6)Once again the music starts and all players dance around the box again.

7)Music stops and now all players must try and pick up the box again with their teeth remember NO HANDS.

8)Again the box is ripped to the next level.

9)This keeps going until players are eliminated if they can't pick the box up with their teeth.

Keep the music player, keep the party going, until you reach the lowest level.

The person who picks up the box with their teeth at the lowest point is the WINNER.   CONGRATS :)))