
Card Games

12 February, 2011

Royal Fun


This games is for four players upwards.

You Need: Aces, Kings, Queens, Joker and Sevens from a pack of cards.

1.Scatter the cards face down across a table. Each player chooses a card, and each card demands a different forfeit.  Lets say!!

KING      Have a drink
ACE        Take an item of clothing off
SEVEN   Kiss the player on your right, lips nose, head up to you.
QUEEN  Sit on the player opposite and feed them a drink
JOKER  Stand up and tell a joke, if no one laughs you must buy everyone a drink.
(or let them do a bad bad forfeit)

2.If any player fails to pay the forfeit either they are not allowed a drink until the next game is begun or they have to pay four coins into the kitty. The choice is up to the rest of the players x

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