
Card Games

13 January, 2011

Drummer...easy and fun filled to be played by any amount of people.

1.   OK... players sit around a table

2.   Please appoint a leader.

3.   Everyone choose a hand gesture, for instance a wave, a thumbs up..something more          spicy,anyway keep it simple.

4.   So here goes everyone begins by tapping the table, with hands.  The leader shouts "What is the name of the game?" to which everyone replies "Drummer".

5.   The first player ask! "Why do we play the game?" and everyone replies, "Because we are idiots"

6.   At this point the leader shows his/her own gesture, quickly the first player shows their gesture followed by the second player around the table...

7.   If anyone misses their turn, reacts too slowly or gets their hand gesture wrong, then they are nominated leader in the next round. 

8.  The loser either pays money in the middle of the table or has a large drink!!! WATCH OUT it might be you.