Have Fun With Party Games: Need some great entertainment for your party guest? Look no further here are some great party game to keep the party moving and in full swing. Your guest will never be bored, no nasty here!! Some activities involve drinking alcohol so please #drinkaware, taking fun out of your guest, party games and tricks to keep everyone happy.
Card Games
29 September, 2013
27 September, 2013
My Best First Date Tips For Him & Her
Even when you have dated a lot and for a long time, there are still some basic first date tips that people tend to forget and if this happens this will most
definitely be disastrous.
definitely be disastrous.
I am going to highlight some first date tips that will give the best chance of turning a first date into a successful one. These are generally common sense, but it is surprising how often people go astray with even these common first date actions. Too much is usually put into the first date, or perhaps even worse, too little is put into it.
...So here are some "just right" first date tips to give you a hand up on doing your utmost to make all your successful ones.
First Date tips 1
Never assume that your date plans will go to plan, have a back-up.
For this reason it is always important to have a backup plan. Let's say you decide to go for a walk after dinner, think of an alternative in case it rains. In fact think of an alternative if your reservation somehow goes to pot.
For this reason it is always important to have a backup plan. Let's say you decide to go for a walk after dinner, think of an alternative in case it rains. In fact think of an alternative if your reservation somehow goes to pot.
By showing good planning when things go wrong, will show confidence and coolness, which are both very attractive, actually far more important than "where" you go or "what" you do.
Make your First Date a Short Date Be on time for your Date
First Date tips 2
The worst thing imaginable on a first date is sitting around waiting for a date to show up. If it happens it can be excusable, but you are setting a horrible impression and piling more stress onto an already stressful situation. Simply don't do it. Be on time.http://www.swatch.com/zz_en/home.html
First Date tips 3
Imagine planning a day long date, if the two of you really do not connect, this is a recipe for disaster, .
If things go very well you can always extend the date, but expect and try to keep the first date short to keep them wanting more.
If things go very well you can always extend the date, but expect and try to keep the first date short to keep them wanting more.
First Date tips 4
It is always a good idea to give you date an idea of the general setting give your date an idea of the "dress factor" . If you are going to at a five star restaurant and your date dresses for dinner at McDonalds and they were not informed they might be a little upset.
Again, if they are expecting something fancy, and you keep it casual, this can also cause undue stress.
First Date tips 5
Finding the right balance in terms of compliments can be difficult.
Be "appropriate" with compliment. Over complimenting is obviously insincere and might be worse than saying nothing. But then again, it is tough when your date leave you no idea if they are enjoying themselves.
So be honest and sincere with your compliments, a little can go a long way.
So be honest and sincere with your compliments, a little can go a long way.
First Date tips 6
Drink Responsibly!!! Drinking in moderation CAN loosen you up and relieve a little stress. On the other hand the line between "just enough "and "too much" can be very thin. If you are going to drink have a few, after-all it's only your first date keep it short and sober. http://www.majestic.co.uk/rioja-wine
First Date tips 7
Learn to listen...yet keep the conversation flowing Dating is complicated and you must have your "eye on the ball". It's important to get your date talking whilst making them comfortable. It is important to find time to let them know about you. Take time to listen (really listen). If you practice listening, but also share to keep the conversation really flowing, you should be able to find that good balance between talking and listening.
First Date tips 8
On your first date it is important to look your best, but it does not have to be a fashion show. Time should be spent grooming yourself, dress appropriately, clean your teeth, put deodorant on, HAVE A SHOWER. All can be perfectly planned but if every time you open your mouth to speak it smells like a dead carcass is in there, it would be safe to say your date is R.I.P.
First Date tips 9
My best advice for you based on your first date is: simply not expect, "too" much from a first date. Many guys go on the first date expecting to "hook up". Many girls go into a first date expecting to be swept off their feet in romance. While both surely "can" happen, that is generally not the idea of a first date.
The first date as an interview to weed out the loons and the crazies. If you are compatible, go on a second and third date. There is no need to achieve a certain "amount" of success. At this point you want to see if the two of you like each other enough to spend time getting to know each other better, (going on more dates). Just keep it simple,
20 August, 2013
10 August, 2013
My Top Five Party Games
1. Bingo:
No, you don't have to go and get a whole set of bingo cards printed out. Just fire up a few laptops, smartphones and play free bingo online together? I started to play bingo via their smartphones and computers in recent months, and believe it or not, it has become one of the fastest growing leisure activities in the UK. Join a site where you can all enter a room and play the game together? Who knows you may even win the big cash prize.
2. Casino Night: If you like the idea of a wager or two, but would prefer not to play bingo, then an ideal way is to set up your own casino night. Rather than buy or hire equipment, you can once again use the power of the Internet and fire up the laptop or desktop to play a variety of online slot machines, roulette and many more games. Then why not break out the deck of cards for a game of poker, or blackjack, better still if you have authentic casino chips! Best of all, if you are not the host, the drinks are free all night too! Result!
3. Charades: . The key is in the names of the songs and shows you place into the pot and the general cognitive condition of your guests when they start the game. Please avoid songs and shows no one knows. Alternatively, a few bottles of wine later, watching Michael attempt to mime Free Willy while remaining in the realms of public decency is far more entertaining.
4. Wii Sports: The Nintendo Wii is the best console for a party; its control system is easy to pick up and understand and the results are spectacular. So fire up the Wii, put on a copy of Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort, and have your own evening of Olympics! It will probably cost a lot less than the real thing in London and let us face it, we have a far better chance of winning a few gold medals.
5. Truth or Dare: The general rule of thumb is that the line is drawn if a person is likely to lose a member of their family, a job or a limb; anything other than that is fair game!
If you can plan a variety of activities and questions that will provoke nothing more than a red face, a guilty giggle and a mild loss of dignity, then in combination with the right guests and the right beverages, this can be a fantastic way to spend an evening.
22 July, 2013
Quick Picnic
OK....so we have had the pleasure of the sun basking down over England for over a week now. I am sure like me a lots of time was spent in the garden, or dashing off to the beach. Planning a picnic is definitely one of those things where the weather is in control. When we do get some sun, it's a mad dash to the local store for picnic accessories and food.
Lets go for something simple.
Sweet corn
These are so versatile and great for a picnic. These can be cooked quickly in the microwave-just put in a microwave dish, add a little water, cover the dish loosely with cling film and cook for 4mins. You might want to try it on the BBq, wrapped in foil, tasty and crunchy.
These are seasonal so be quick. Can be served with mackerel-make a sauce by cooking with a little sugar and a knob of butter. My favourite is again cooking down in a little sugar and when puréed, spoon over yoghurt for breakfast, yum.
Bag of salad
Bag of salad
Grab a selection of salads for instance Italia salad, mixed lettuce, baby spinach, and rocket for extra flavour. Try adding mixed seeds for crunch or crumbly mild cheese.
Salads can be made more tasty by adding balsamic vinegar, a little mustard, and black pepper, extra virgin olive oil.
Red seedless grapes
These sweet juicy treats have no pips, so they are great for the kids. Try freezing for a cool treat. Going a little further half them and add to a Waldorf apple salad, mayo, lemon dressing and celery. www.tesco.co.uk
08 June, 2013
How to Host an Adult Slumber Party
Slumber Party
Sometimes adults need a chance to unwind and have fun. Having an adult slumber party is a way of letting the child out again, for you and your friends. This is a great way to avoid the clubs, it's cheaper and you can plan the night your way. OK...so here goes the start of fun, fun, fun.
1. First put together a guest list for your adult slumber party. Please remember to think about the amount of space you have and where those guests will spend the night. Decide early on whether to make the party same-sex or co-ed. www.myscrapnook.com
2. Finalise your guest list, and give out the invites. Depending on the space go for it, little or more...it's up to you. Invites can be sent via, social networking, emails face to face
3. Next, time for you to think about how you would like to spend your evening. Make a list, but think about what everyone's interests. If you have a lot of poker buffs coming, for example, then perhaps a poker night marathon is in order for your adult slumber party, if enough warning is given then why not play for real cash.
4. Time for shopping. Most adult sleepovers include alcohol, but they don't always have to. Either way, be sure that those who do not drink are catered for. It's going to be a long night so it is important that there are some type of food. Why not do a simple choice such as, cheese, veggies, chips, pizza and dip.www.marksandspencer.com/Party-Food
5. It is vital to have somewhere quiet for the first sleepers. Not everyone will fall asleep at the same time. Inevitably, some will want to sleep early on and some will be up till dawn.
6. Now for the morning after. Decide whether or not you're going to provide breakfast. It doesn't have to be extravagant, you could just provide coffee and doughnuts, or you could go for a more expansive spread. Always list the time to leave on the invitations or you may end up with more than one straggler.www.recipehub.com/
Adult Slumber Party Games
Let's start by finding the inner rock stars in your guest so put your expensive game console to use with a Guitar Hero Tournament!
There are also loads of drinking games to play, loads of games. Check my blog for further ideas, but here is few to start you off..
I Never Drinking Game
I Never Drinking Game
I Never, leave sober. Playing this game you end up blitzed! Nothing is needed to play except booze so feel free to start this game anywhere.
Things you’ll need:
Make sure your party have booze and gather your friends round in a circle. Pick a player to start. If you have trouble doing this, pick the player with the longest hair. The player states "I've Never . . ." and adds whatever to the end of that phrase. It can be something he/she has or has not done.
Every player in the circle must drink if they have done what was stated. If they have not done it, they do not drink.
Round and round the circle you'll play until someone shouts, "NO MORE I SAY!" Sorry, couldn't help myself from rhyming.
There is an additional rule -- if someone is busted, meaning that they didn’t drink when they should have, they must chug whatever they are drinking.
Confused? Let me give you a real-life example. The statement was "I’ve never dated anyone in this room." I looked around and didn’t think I had to drink until my ex uncovered himself from behind some girl’s face and busted me. Whoops! I chugged my beer and retrieved a new one.
This game is great to play with people you don’t know. You’ll learn a lot.
Drinking Jenga
You will need:
- Jenga Game
- Marker
Set up the game as described on the Jenga game. Play the game as instructed with this one exception: every time someone pulls a block, they write a rule or an action or whatever they want on the block.
Here are some block ideas to get you started but your friends will come up with even more amazing ones!
Drinking Blocks - straight-forward and simple
Give away 3 drinks
Take 2 drinks
Chug the rest of your drink
Social drink (everyone drinks)
Rules Blocks - if someone breaks the rules, they must take a drink
No saying drink, drank, or drunk
Only drink with your left hand
Pick a drinking partner (someone that must drink when you drink)
Action Blocks - these are great for funny drunken moments
Tell your most embarrassing moment
Kiss the person on your left
Do a cartwheel
Show us your best orgasm face
There are no limits to what they write on the block! Need ideas
Of course, when someone writes on the block, they must do what they wrote! This way, they must choose between being playing it safe for them or cranking up the entertainment for the next rounds of play.
Play the game as described. If the tower falls before all the blocks are written on, don’t worry, just keep playing until every block has something on it.http://www.drinksmixer.com/drink4469.html
You Will Need:
1 deck of cards
4 players
1. The first hand is used to determine everyone's rank during the following hands. Deal out all the cards. The person to the left of the dealer starts off.
2. When starting you can lay down any card or cards with the same face value. The person following you must lay down a card of equal or greater value. They must also use the same amount of cards as you did.
3. If you lay down two 9's then they would have to lay down two of something equal or greater. If the player lays down the same card as the previous player then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also, if you can't play any of your cards than you must skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips or a two is played.
Play continues like this until all the cards have been played.
4. After the first hand is when the fun really begins. There is a ranking system which is as follows:
Whoever goes out first becomes the new President for the next game, the second person becomes the Vice-President, etc...
5. For the following rounds, anyone who ranks higher then you can tell you to drink whenever they want to.
Special Rules:
1. The Asshole must always deal and clear the cards.
2. The Asshole must give the two best cards in their hand to the President.
3. The President gives the two worst cards in their hand to the Asshole.
4. If the President remains President for three consecutive rounds they can create special rules, such as the word "drink" cannot be used. If these rules are broken then the offender must drink.
2. When starting you can lay down any card or cards with the same face value. The person following you must lay down a card of equal or greater value. They must also use the same amount of cards as you did.
3. If you lay down two 9's then they would have to lay down two of something equal or greater. If the player lays down the same card as the previous player then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also, if you can't play any of your cards than you must skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips or a two is played.
Play continues like this until all the cards have been played.
4. After the first hand is when the fun really begins. There is a ranking system which is as follows:
Whoever goes out first becomes the new President for the next game, the second person becomes the Vice-President, etc...
5. For the following rounds, anyone who ranks higher then you can tell you to drink whenever they want to.
Special Rules:
1. The Asshole must always deal and clear the cards.
2. The Asshole must give the two best cards in their hand to the President.
3. The President gives the two worst cards in their hand to the Asshole.
4. If the President remains President for three consecutive rounds they can create special rules, such as the word "drink" cannot be used. If these rules are broken then the offender must drink.
Adult party games rarely get more entertaining than Baby If You Love Me, Won't You Please Smile? It becomes legendary when you add props.
Things you’ll need
- At least 6 friends
- Props - hats, feather dusters, costume jewellery, towels, Halloween costumes, anything you think could be entertaining
Playing the Game
Babester then chooses one person in the circle, hereby dubbed "Baby". Babester’s objective is to make Baby laugh while saying "Baby, if you love me, won’t you please smile?" Babester must use those exact words, no exceptions. But not to worry, Babester can use any technique in his/her imagination to make Baby laugh. Babester could lick Baby’s face, make pigtails out of Baby's hair, make any face or noise, do a striptease, and of course, use any or all of the props in the quest to make Baby laugh. The options are limitless and your friends will become obnoxiously fun!
Baby must then say in response, "Babester, I love you but I just can’t smile". Again, only those words, no exceptions.
If at any time during the question or the answer Baby laughs or cracks a smile, Babester has won and Baby becomes Babester. If Babester fails in the quest and Baby does not smile, Babester must move on and find a new Baby to make smile.
Be sure to have your camera ready for those special, embarrassing moments that are sure to happen when Babester woos Baby.
Lastly what did you enjoy the most at your slumber party when you were young, a pillow fight? a cushion is just as good.
11 May, 2013
Top 10 Classic Party Games
Top 10 Classic Party Games
OK!!! here are some fun games to move everyone away from those consoles, laptops and pc's. Remember the good old times back in the 80's when we frolicked and had fun together, making mess, laughing together, just having fun!!
10. Charades: Everybody writes the name of a famous person or fairy tale character on a scrap of paper and puts it in a hat. Somebody draws a slip of paper and has 60 seconds to get everyone to guess the character using silent gestures, for instance, tapping your head means name, pointing to the breast means a lady/girl, putting your hands together and opening palm up means a book.
9. Marshmallow toothpick skyscraper: Split into teams of 2 or 3. Give each team 20 mini-marshmallows and 20 toothpicks. The team that builds the highest marshmallow structure in 10 minutes wins!
8. Peek-a-boo: A classic! Give one person 5 minutes to hide somewhere (specify if outside is OK) and then everyone looks for that individual. People hide with the person when they find them until the last person finds the group! Cheers the winner gets a glass of the house finest!!
7. Alphabet game: Sit in a circle and pick a category like "body parts" or "food." One person starts by naming something in the category that starts with A (like "ass"), the next person has to name a C item ("chocolate"), and so on. If someone can't think of one in 10 seconds, she's or he is out! To prolong the game make columns say 6 and total being the last. You each take turns to guess, all 6 fields. Now the scoring!! If everyone gets the same answer, you score 5 points each, everyone gets a different answer 10 points and if you are to only clever one to get a field 15 points. Tot up your scores for each round....each time you win a round, you get a drink!!
6. Guess the object: Grab a marker and write an object/animal on as many pieces of masking tape as there are people. Put the tape on each persons forehead without them reading it (this is very important). Each person takes it in turn by walking around and asking each other yes or no questions to figure out which animal they are (like "Do I have spots?").
5. Pass the parcel: Wrap a gift with multiple layers of gift wrap paper. Then have everyone sit in a circle and pass the gift around until the music stops. Whoever has the gift then unwraps a layer. Repeat until someone unwraps the gift—the lucky person gets to keep it!
4. Memory: Sit everyone around a table with a bunch of little objects on it. One person closes her eyes, and somebody removes one object and hides it. The eye-closer then has 3 guesses as to which object was removed. Return the item and repeat with someone else!
3. Detective: One person leaves the room. Everyone else agrees to have something in common—all pretend to be characters on a TV show, be afraid of heights, etc. When the detective comes back, she has to guess what everyone has in common using yes or no questions. People can give the detective clues (like "I hate going up on ladders!").
2. Who's that cat?: Blindfold one person (the guesser) and sit him at the center of the circle. Have the guesser point in a random direction. Whoever is pointed at meows like a cat, and the guesser has to figure out who it was. If he is correct, the meower becomes the new guesser. If not, the guesser points in another direction.
1. Don't laugh: Put everyone in pairs. Each pair takes turns trying to make the other person laugh by saying "Ha ha ha!" in an outrageous fake voice. They go back and forth until someone actually laughs.
10. Charades: Everybody writes the name of a famous person or fairy tale character on a scrap of paper and puts it in a hat. Somebody draws a slip of paper and has 60 seconds to get everyone to guess the character using silent gestures, for instance, tapping your head means name, pointing to the breast means a lady/girl, putting your hands together and opening palm up means a book.
9. Marshmallow toothpick skyscraper: Split into teams of 2 or 3. Give each team 20 mini-marshmallows and 20 toothpicks. The team that builds the highest marshmallow structure in 10 minutes wins!
8. Peek-a-boo: A classic! Give one person 5 minutes to hide somewhere (specify if outside is OK) and then everyone looks for that individual. People hide with the person when they find them until the last person finds the group! Cheers the winner gets a glass of the house finest!!
7. Alphabet game: Sit in a circle and pick a category like "body parts" or "food." One person starts by naming something in the category that starts with A (like "ass"), the next person has to name a C item ("chocolate"), and so on. If someone can't think of one in 10 seconds, she's or he is out! To prolong the game make columns say 6 and total being the last. You each take turns to guess, all 6 fields. Now the scoring!! If everyone gets the same answer, you score 5 points each, everyone gets a different answer 10 points and if you are to only clever one to get a field 15 points. Tot up your scores for each round....each time you win a round, you get a drink!!
6. Guess the object: Grab a marker and write an object/animal on as many pieces of masking tape as there are people. Put the tape on each persons forehead without them reading it (this is very important). Each person takes it in turn by walking around and asking each other yes or no questions to figure out which animal they are (like "Do I have spots?").
5. Pass the parcel: Wrap a gift with multiple layers of gift wrap paper. Then have everyone sit in a circle and pass the gift around until the music stops. Whoever has the gift then unwraps a layer. Repeat until someone unwraps the gift—the lucky person gets to keep it!
4. Memory: Sit everyone around a table with a bunch of little objects on it. One person closes her eyes, and somebody removes one object and hides it. The eye-closer then has 3 guesses as to which object was removed. Return the item and repeat with someone else!
3. Detective: One person leaves the room. Everyone else agrees to have something in common—all pretend to be characters on a TV show, be afraid of heights, etc. When the detective comes back, she has to guess what everyone has in common using yes or no questions. People can give the detective clues (like "I hate going up on ladders!").
2. Who's that cat?: Blindfold one person (the guesser) and sit him at the center of the circle. Have the guesser point in a random direction. Whoever is pointed at meows like a cat, and the guesser has to figure out who it was. If he is correct, the meower becomes the new guesser. If not, the guesser points in another direction.
1. Don't laugh: Put everyone in pairs. Each pair takes turns trying to make the other person laugh by saying "Ha ha ha!" in an outrageous fake voice. They go back and forth until someone actually laughs.
Cocktail - Summer Fun
Make those breezy summer days
Lemon Shandies
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice (from about 4 lemons), plus wedges, for serving (optional)
- 8 mild pilsner beers (12 ounces each)
Place eight 16-ounce glasses or mugs in the freezer.
In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 3/4 cup water over medium heat. Cook,
stirring, until sugar dissolves, about 1 minute. Refrigerate until cool, at
least 10 minutes and up to 1 week.
- In a 2-cup liquid measure or small pitcher, combine sugar mixture and lemon juice. Pour 1 beer into each chilled glass; add about 1/4 cup lemon mixture and, if desired, a lemon wedge. Serve immediately.
Lillet-Basil Cocktail
- 1 cup ice, plus more for serving
- 1/2 cup Lillet Blanc
- 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) gin
- 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
- 1/4 cup loosely packed fresh basil leaves, plus sprigs for garnish
- Splash of tonic water
- 1 cucumber spear, for garnish
- 1 cinnamon stick, for garnish
Put ice, Lillet, gin, orange juice, and basil in a cocktail shaker; shake
well. Fill a glass with ice; strain mixture into glass. Add tonic water. Garnish
with cucumber spear, cinnamon stick, and basil sprigs.
Olive-Rosemary Martini
- 2 ounces gin
- 2 teaspoons dry vermouth
- 1 rosemary sprig
- Pitted olives
- To make, shake 2 ounces gin and 2 teaspoons dry vermouth with crushed ice; strain into a stemmed glass. Strip leaves from bottom 2 inches of a rosemary sprig, skewer through pitted olives, and add to the drink.
- 2 1/2 ounces bourbon or rye
- 1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
- 2 dashes Angostura bitters
- Ice cubes
- Maraschino cherry, for garnish
- 2 1/2 ounces bourbon or rye
- 1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
- 2 dashes Angostura bitters
- Ice cubes
- Maraschino cherry, for garnish
Shake bourbon, vermouth, and bitters over ice. Strain into a cocktail glass; garnish with cherry. Shake bourbon, vermouth, and bitters over ice. Strain into a cocktail glass; garnish with cherry.
Mellow Melon Margarita
For the garnish:
How to make Mellow Melon Margarita
1) Muddle the watermelon cubes in the bottom of a shaker glass. Add ice, tequila, lime juice, orange juice and agave syrup. Give it a good shake for approximately 10 seconds. 2) Strain and pour over large rocks. Garnish with a watermelon.
Tequila Sunrise Punch
- 1/2 Measurement: Cup A cup is an American imperial measurement used to measure all your ingredients, from milk and water through to flour, fruit and vegetables.
- 1/2 Cup silver or gold tequila
- 33 ounces citrus-flavoured club soda
- 2 limes, quartered
- 1 small unpeeled orange, cut into 1-inch chunks
- 1/2 small unpeeled grapefruit, cut into 1-inch chunks
- Ice cubes
Add the ingredients for this recipe to your online basket. Select a supermarket to start.
Hide this
How to make Tequila sunrise punch
Pour the tequila and soda water into a pitcher. Add the limes, oranges and grapefruit and set aside for 10 minutes.
Add enough ice to the pitcher so that the punch rises to the top. Serve in chilled glasses with some fruit in each glass.
Add enough ice to the pitcher so that the punch rises to the top. Serve in chilled glasses with some fruit in each glass.
05 May, 2013
Had a fantastic 2 days in the garden with my family. Sun was shining, no rain in sight. Played games with the children, and when they went to bed played with the adults. Enjoyable. So if you would like to do the same check out, this page of my blog HOT SUMMER DAYS OUTDOOR FUN .
This page is full of garden games ideas to keep your party flowing all night long.
15 January, 2013
09 January, 2013
Top 10 Classic Party Games
Top 10 Classic Party Games
OK!!! here are some fun games to move everyone away from those consoles, laptops and pc's. Remember the good old times back in the 80's when we frolicked and had fun together, making mess, laughing together, just having fun!!
10. Charades: Everybody writes the name of a famous person or fairy tale character on a scrap of paper and puts it in a hat. Somebody draws a slip of paper and has 60 seconds to get everyone to guess the character using silent gestures, for instance, tapping your head means name, pointing to the breast means a lady/girl, putting your hands together and opening palm up means a book.
9. Marshmallow toothpick skyscraper: Split into teams of 2 or 3. Give each team 20 mini-marshmallows and 20 toothpicks. The team that builds the highest marshmallow structure in 10 minutes wins!
8. Peek-a-boo: A classic! Give one person 5 minutes to hide somewhere (specify if outside is OK) and then everyone looks for that individual. People hide with the person when they find them until the last person finds the group! Cheers the winner gets a glass of the house finest!!
7. Alphabet game: Sit in a circle and pick a category like "body parts" or "food." One person starts by naming something in the category that starts with A (like "ass"), the next person has to name a C item ("chocolate"), and so on. If someone can't think of one in 10 seconds, she's or he is out! To prolong the game make columns say 6 and total being the last. You each take turns to guess, all 6 fields. Now the scoring!! If everyone gets the same answer, you score 5 points each, everyone gets a different answer 10 points and if you are to only clever one to get a field 15 points. Tot up your scores for each round....each time you win a round, you get a drink!!
6. Guess the object: Grab a marker and write an object/animal on as many pieces of masking tape as there are people. Put the tape on each persons forehead without them reading it (this is very important). Each person takes it in turn by walking around and asking each other yes or no questions to figure out which animal they are (like "Do I have spots?").
5. Pass the parcel: Wrap a gift with multiple layers of gift wrap paper. Then have everyone sit in a circle and pass the gift around until the music stops. Whoever has the gift then unwraps a layer. Repeat until someone unwraps the gift—the lucky person gets to keep it! For adults think of maybe a toy :)
4. Memory: Sit everyone around a table with a bunch of little objects on it. One person closes their eyes, and somebody removes one object and hides it. The eye-closer then has 3 guesses as to which object was removed. Return the item and repeat with someone else! If you guess right you have a treat..if you guess 3 wrong a forfeit.
3. Detective: One person leaves the room. Everyone else agrees to have something in common—all pretend to be characters on a TV show, be afraid of heights, etc. When the detective comes back, she has to guess what everyone has in common using yes or no questions. People can give the detective clues (like "I hate going up on ladders!").
2. Who's that cow?: Blindfold one person and sit him at the centre of the circle. He/she point in a random direction. Whoever is pointed at mows like a cow. The guesser has to figure out who it was that mowed. If he is correct, the mower becomes the new guesser. If not, the guesser points in another direction.
If the middle person gets it wrong forfeit...or a drink.
1. Try not to laugh: Put everyone in pairs. Each pair takes turns trying to make the other person laugh by saying "Ha ha ha!" in an outrageous, weird strange fake voice. They go back and forth until someone actually laughs. Seems easy but it's not
10. Charades: Everybody writes the name of a famous person or fairy tale character on a scrap of paper and puts it in a hat. Somebody draws a slip of paper and has 60 seconds to get everyone to guess the character using silent gestures, for instance, tapping your head means name, pointing to the breast means a lady/girl, putting your hands together and opening palm up means a book.
9. Marshmallow toothpick skyscraper: Split into teams of 2 or 3. Give each team 20 mini-marshmallows and 20 toothpicks. The team that builds the highest marshmallow structure in 10 minutes wins!
8. Peek-a-boo: A classic! Give one person 5 minutes to hide somewhere (specify if outside is OK) and then everyone looks for that individual. People hide with the person when they find them until the last person finds the group! Cheers the winner gets a glass of the house finest!!
7. Alphabet game: Sit in a circle and pick a category like "body parts" or "food." One person starts by naming something in the category that starts with A (like "ass"), the next person has to name a C item ("chocolate"), and so on. If someone can't think of one in 10 seconds, she's or he is out! To prolong the game make columns say 6 and total being the last. You each take turns to guess, all 6 fields. Now the scoring!! If everyone gets the same answer, you score 5 points each, everyone gets a different answer 10 points and if you are to only clever one to get a field 15 points. Tot up your scores for each round....each time you win a round, you get a drink!!
6. Guess the object: Grab a marker and write an object/animal on as many pieces of masking tape as there are people. Put the tape on each persons forehead without them reading it (this is very important). Each person takes it in turn by walking around and asking each other yes or no questions to figure out which animal they are (like "Do I have spots?").
5. Pass the parcel: Wrap a gift with multiple layers of gift wrap paper. Then have everyone sit in a circle and pass the gift around until the music stops. Whoever has the gift then unwraps a layer. Repeat until someone unwraps the gift—the lucky person gets to keep it! For adults think of maybe a toy :)
4. Memory: Sit everyone around a table with a bunch of little objects on it. One person closes their eyes, and somebody removes one object and hides it. The eye-closer then has 3 guesses as to which object was removed. Return the item and repeat with someone else! If you guess right you have a treat..if you guess 3 wrong a forfeit.
3. Detective: One person leaves the room. Everyone else agrees to have something in common—all pretend to be characters on a TV show, be afraid of heights, etc. When the detective comes back, she has to guess what everyone has in common using yes or no questions. People can give the detective clues (like "I hate going up on ladders!").
2. Who's that cow?: Blindfold one person and sit him at the centre of the circle. He/she point in a random direction. Whoever is pointed at mows like a cow. The guesser has to figure out who it was that mowed. If he is correct, the mower becomes the new guesser. If not, the guesser points in another direction.
If the middle person gets it wrong forfeit...or a drink.
1. Try not to laugh: Put everyone in pairs. Each pair takes turns trying to make the other person laugh by saying "Ha ha ha!" in an outrageous, weird strange fake voice. They go back and forth until someone actually laughs. Seems easy but it's not
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