
Card Games

Party On 2017


Odds and Evens
You will need:
A deck of cards

Remove the court cards

 from the pack and put all the odd numbers (aces, three, fives, sevens, and nines) in one half and all the even numbers (twos, fours, sixes, eights, and tens) in the other half.

Fanning out one half of the reduced part face down, as someone to select a card and study it. While this is happening, quickly square up that half and fan out the second half instead.
Ask for the card to be replaced anywhere in those cards. By looking through the cards, you can easily spot the chosen one, it will be the only  even-numbered card amongst the odds, or vice versa.

I Challenge You
Players any number
You will need:
Pencil and paper

Unfortunately this trick can only be done once. On a piece of paper, you write six vertical strokes I I I I I I .  Challenge anyone to change the six strokes into three without rubbing any of them out, cutting the paper in half or similar cheating.
This is where you can now make challenges to your friends, asking them for bets you could say, I bet you £20 that you can't figure it out or if you're lucky and no one knows this trick you can increase your profit. You might also want to use it to make yourself look good, and how clever you are all depends on you.
When they finally get fed up and they really want to know the answer, when everyone's had a go then you can tell them. So this is how it works, take the pencil from your friends and add to the strokes I I I I I I , this is what it should look like
T.H.R.E.E........ how funny is that, give yourself a pat on the back.

Fire Fire
(This is a very dangerous game PLEASE BE CAREFUL)
You will need:
A lighted cigarette
Ice cube

So you want to look cool, you want to impress your friends, you want to look fearless.  We all admire fire eaters, which is very dangerous and we should always take care around fires.
Pick up a lighted cigarette and hold the burning tip between your fingers for a few seconds. Do not let anyone take a puff. You should be able to do this without injuring yourself but please be careful.
This is the secret, nobody but you knows this but you have to time it perfectly.  Before you start this trick you must place the same fingers, that you will use to pick up the cigarette, in ice cold water, or rub them along an ice cube until your fingers are numb.
In doing this it will numb the pain. Now this is the clever part where you can look like Superman or Spiderman if you prefer. Past the lighted cigarette to the next brave person using those cold fingers and watch them squirm.

Guess what's missing
Players any number
You will need:
Paper, Pencil

When you send your invitations out ask your guests to come to the party with something, which suggest that they have forgotten how to get dressed correctly. Such as;
-a missing earring or
-a watch worn upside down or
-a missing sock maybe.
 If you really want pushed about boat out, a missing stocking.
During the party, while your guests are mingling they must write down what they think is the errors on each party guest.
Obvious winner is the one that guesses the most incorrect items. For this game I think the winner deserves a really good prize for being so observant.

Prick me
Players any number
You will need:
Matchsticks or cocktail sticks

When your guest arrives give each of them ten sticks. During the party when your guests are mingling they must put some of their sticks in their hands. Making sure their fist at tightly shut so no one can see in their palm.
Whilst mingling upon meeting someone, they must ask the words  "odds or evens?"  When asked the guests must try and guest if the sticks in the palm are odds or evens.
If the guest guesses correctly, they will receive one stick from the first player.   The roles are then reversed.  The second player then ask!!!  odds or evens?
This continues throughout the party, and you can ask as many or as little people as you want to see if they can prick you.
It's up to the host to decide when the game finishes. The winner is the player with the most it when time is called.

Stick pick-up
Players any number
You will need:
Peanuts, Cocktail sticks, Paper bags
Players 5 to 10

This game is better played after everybody is swinging in the party mood equally better played when the players of had a bit too much to drink.
So each player is handed to cocktail sticks, a small paperback. The host now has to get some peanuts and throw them across the floor. If you don't want to get your carpet messy maybe, put down an old sheet first.
Using the cocktail sticks like chopsticks, all the players must get on the floor, and pickup peanuts with their cocktail/matchsticks.  You then put them in the paper bag. You are not allowed to use your hands and if you do you will be eliminated from the competition when all peanuts have been gathered.  Obviously, the player with the biggest nuts win.

Dingdong Bell
Players any number
You will need:
Blindfolds, Rolled up newspapers, Chain bells

This game can be quite dangerous but it is fun. In this game you will be swatting one another with newspapers while swearing blindfolds. So here we go.  Give all players a newspaper rolled up or you might want to use inflatable rounders bats.
All players are blindfolded except one. The guest/player who is not blindfolded has a string of bells attached around is his/her neck. At this point the blindfolded players must listen carefully to try and find the whereabouts of the bells.  In doing this, (aim is to find bell wearer) they will find the player with the bells and bashing them in order to attempt to find him or her.
The idea of the bellringer is to try and avoid these bashes. If someone gets a direct hit then that assailant must take on the bells and the victim is blindfolded and included in the attackers. This game can be very dangerous energetic and may cause physical harm have fun.

Bang Bang
Players 2-10
This game requires concentration focus and very very good coordination.
You will need:
Teaspoons, a table, some alcohol,

This game requires very limited communication between players, bang bang is a game full of skills. This is very fast-paced game.
One player starts by tapping his or her spoon once on the table. The person sat next to the spoon-taper's left then taps his or her spoon once, and the process continues around the table.
By tapping your spoon once it means you continue in the current direction of play. Tapping your spoon twice, reverses direction (from left to right or from right to left) while tapping the spoon quickly three times means you skip a player.
The idea of the game is to play very quickly, anyone who misses their tap or gets attacked wrong (banging then this shouldn't miss in the directions, not reversing in time,) must drink the usual alcohol related penalty. This game can make you very drunk indeed. Enjoy !!

Drink don't think!
Players 2-10
You will need:
Beer or spirits

This game can be very very addictive it is easy but tricky. So here we go, get your group of players together and select one person to go first. The players starts the game by saying the name of the famous person, for instance      Will i am, Katy Perry.
The next player to go can then say the name of another person however, this name must begin with the first letter of the previous celebrities surname for instance, player one would say  Katy Perry, played two would say;

Peter Andre. Place three will now have to think of the name that begins with an "A"... And so on.

Rules are, whilst the person is thinking of a name, they have to continually sip from their drink.  If the players say the name that has a surname and the forename begins with the same letter, Charlie Chaplin, the direction of the plays is reversed.
You cannot reuse a name or it is repeated if you do this, you must down the rest of your drink in one, your host will gladly refill. Finally the player that cannot think of a name, must drink a shot of no particular size.  Good luck everyone


I hope you enjoy these games just to keep you going until the next big event on our calendar except birthdays, which will be Valentines February 14. I will nearer the time post more ideas and party games to make your Valentine special. Please remember to always drink safely act responsibly and most of all have fun.